YIVO-Bard Summer Program

Why is this Journal Different from All Other Journals?

Jan 24, 2025

Library Highlight

Educating children outside of the classroom can come in many forms, from traditional books to children’s journals, with one such being Kinder zhurnal. Unlike other children’s journals, which are primarily for entertainment, Kinder zhurnal was founded by the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute for the purpose of organizing a secular Yiddish school system. Beginning in 1920, Kinder zhurnal published works by Yiddish writers and poets, from Mani Leib to Kadya Molodowsky, with themes relating to Judaism.

The theme of the April 1949 edition of Kinder zhurnal focused on Passover. On the cover is Moses splitting the red sea while the Jews observe the miracle. The first page has a poem written by Y. L. Kaloshiner about celebrating Passover from a child’s perspective. Next to the poem is a picture of a family reading their haggadot. The caption states, “What is more beautiful than a Jewish home on Passover with a seder?” referring to the ritual of the first two nights of Passover.