YIVO-Bard Summer Program

120th Anniversary of the Founding of the Jewish Labor Bund

Sunday Oct 22, 2017 1:00pm
A Bundist rally in Brussels, Belgium, c. 1935. YIVO Archives.


120th Anniversary Program

Co-sponsored by the Workmen’s Circle
Media Sponsor: Jewish Currents

Admission: $20
YIVO members & students: $10

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Join us for a celebration of the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Jewish Labor Bund, the socialist movement which has figured so prominently in the history of East European and World Jewry.

Talks and slideshows by scholars and lifelong Bundists together with Yiddish songs and poetry (in the original and English) will highlight the Bund’s history and the major pillars of its philosophy: secularism, Yiddishism, diaspora nationalism, and socialism. In addition, a panel of activists and progressives will discuss the Bund’s legacy as expressed in their diverse political work in Jewish and non-Jewish institutions and its relevance to solving contemporary issues.

Participants include Hinde Ena Burstin, Jack Jacobs, Clare Kinberg, Irena Klepfisz, Zalmen Mlotek, Avram Patt, Moishe Rosenfield, Daniel Soyer, David Slucki, Ann Toback, Alex Weiser, and Marvin Zukerman.

Everyone attending will receive a program booklet containing historical information, photographs, poems and songs, a timeline of the Bund's activities, and the reflections of those—past and present—who remained influenced by it.

Read “The Stars Bear Witness: The Jewish Labor Bund 1897-2017”